Friday, March 29, 2013

currently listening to...

remember the days of myspace?  when i first joined Callow fb was new (band pages didn't exist yet), and myspace was what we used.  it was what everyone used.  i actually kinda miss it.

yeah, it went to shit, and i have no idea what they're doing with the new myspace thing (or if anyone is using it?), but one thing i really liked was the "currently listening to" feature on their blog.

so i'm bringing that shit back.  right here!  yes.

i am currently listening to Yo La Tengo.  and enjoying the shit out of it.


well, i've posted twice in one day, so i'm either majorly procrastinating all the things i have to do, or i'm just really really juiced about getting my ass on the road.  probably both.

until the next (and hopefully that will be from PDX!),


tour on my mind

Spring is definitely in the air today.  I just want to throw my bag in the car and GO right now!!

We realized last night that it's been five months since we played a show.  FIVE MONTHS!?  can that be true?  that is absolutely way way WAY way way way WAY TOO long!

You know that thing I said a couple entries back about wanting to tour tour tour and never stop?  Oh Holy YES it is true!  And it is what we're planning to do! (i make silly rhymes when i'm excited.)

All of that will unfold in time, but for now I'm buzzing with joy to say that his time next week we'll be en route to Portland!!!


until the next,


Thursday, March 14, 2013

i can't sleep

i can't sleep

i can't fucking wait to start playing shows again.

i can't wait to be finished with this album.

we were so ready for winter this year.  we were so excited to hunker in while the rain poured down and a break came from the gardening.

the rain never came.

the work never stopped.

the album is coming along, in spite of things not going according to our wishes.

we're getting more and more clear about our artistic process.

we're back to playing and recording live.

(fuck you, click track!  i'm not a damn machine!  my shit is primal, full of idiosyncracies...)

March 14, 2013

i can't sleep.

i can't fucking wait to start playing shows again.

i can't wait to be finished with this album.

we were so ready for winter this year.  we were so excited to hunker in while the rain poured down and a break came from the gardening.

the rain never came.

the work never stopped.

the album is coming along, in spite of things not going according to our wishes.

we're getting more and more clear about our artistic process.

we're back to playing and recording live.

(fuck you, click track!  i'm not a damn machine!  my shit is primal, full of idiosyncracies...)