Friday, June 28, 2013

more canada

a house show came through in Calgary on saturday night. it was rad.

no, rad doesn't do it justice. it was one of those nights when the world is magical wonderland of yum.

because of the flooding- and the mass amount of devastation, displacement, and all around confusion that ensued- there was a very palpable sense that people needed an excuse to come together, kick back, and enjoy a night together.i feel pretty damn lucky that we got to be part of that night, in the midst of such a strange and record-setting moment in Calgary.

i decided to auction off a poster (which i randomly made for the festival), made of old poster cuttings and so on.

it sold for $30. proceeds went to a local organization helping flood victims. groovy.

canada is awesome. the people, the culture, the vibe.... the scenery. damn. the whole time we were there i could see the wheels turning in both of our heads: how might we move to Canada someday?

(it should be noted that we have this thought every time we visit a new place that we really like.)

canada is special, though.  folks are nice.  drivers are courteous.  there isn't this angst-y, angry energy flailing about everywhere like there is in the states. 

the only shitty part about going to canada is dealing with the border.

we got shook down, sweated, and car searched on both sides.  of course.  "do you smoke?"  "no"  "why do you have a lighter?"  "uh, candles."

what.  a person can't just have a lighter without being suspect?
the US border people freaked out at me for leaving to use the bathroom.

there were some french kids at the US border who accidentally found themselves there (not intending to leave canada at all), and were getting their car searched. thoroughly. bienvenue aux etats-unis.

anyway.  people that work at the border are power-hungry jerks.  that's all.

when we returned to idaho- to uncover the treasure we had buried for ourselves there- we were shocked and dismayed to discover that our stuff had been stolen.   

yay, america.  welcome home, let me slap you in the face!

why do i feel like that sort of thing wouldn't happen in canada?

until the next,


currently listening to:  Jill Scott

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